Thursday, December 15, 2005


This afternoon, I went to ex-plaza indonesia to have lunch with my friend. We stopped by at two famous bookstores. I love going to the bookstore of imported books. Because the books are made of the paper back papers. They smell great; giving a relaxing and comforting atmosphere. I wish there were a library for these kind of books, or at least a bookstore that allowed us to spent hundred of hours just to read, without buying =p

These are the list of a must have books. Unfortunately for me, most of these items are impossible to have. I’ll tell you the reason.

1. A whole set of The Chronicles of Narnia serial. The whole set contains of 6 books, every book cost Rp. 65.000;-. The whole set cost Rp. 575.000;-, I’ve seen the price tag today. That means impossible to have.
2. The gossip girl serial. Each books cost Rp. 85.000;-. There are 5 books available, so it took 425.000 to buy all of them.
3. “He’s just not into you” cost Rp. 122.000;-
4. “It’s called broke up because it’s broken” cost Rp. 122.000;-

Total = 575.000 + 425.000 + 122.000 + 122.000
= Rp. 1.244.000;-

So tell me, who could afford such a huge amount of money to buy some decent books? None I guess. Maybe for some of them who earn 20 million each month, a million wouldn’t be a big deal. But for me, it costs a fortune. So there it was. My journey to treasure places. The journey will continue, with more of a MUST HAVE BOOKS. Although they're impossible to have =)