Sunday, August 13, 2006

Leaving on a Jet Plane

Mini is leaving to China this evening, he will be flying with SQ. The flight schedule was on 8.00 PM but I guessed he should be boarded an hour early so that means at 7.00 PM. I will meet him at the airport at 5.00 PM, he will go to the airport with his family.

The trip he was having is not a holiday-and-fun kind of thing, it's more like a job obligation. You see, he will attend an IT Network training there for about 2 weeks. But I guees, any job obligation that includes overseas business trip is kind of fun, right? ;) who wouldn't want to go abroad for free anyway, and the best thing is you gain a new knowledge. For free as well! Hahahaha :)

Seeing such a great opportunity that mini is about to have gives me kind of happy and proud feeling. Well maybe a slight of jealousy too ;) I mean, I would like to have the chance to attend a training abroad too... :D hahahaha Nah but the happy feeling took a greater portion than the jealous thing, deep inside my heart. Another feeling I'm having right now is sad. Imagining that he will be gone for 2 weeks is something new to me. I never been that far away from him before, except for that Lebaran trip to his hometown he has every year. We were always together, in the same city, same country. Although we didn't meet everyday, but we always manage to see each other on weekend. I will miss him badly, I will missed his calls every morning just to let me know he's in his way to his office. I will miss chatting with him on YM. I will miss his laughter, his joke, his insanity. But no worries, it was only for 2 weeks, a slightly longer than umrah ;) heehehhee

Okey then, I'm finish here. I hope that he would return home with lots of new knowledge that he could teach me, a lot of pictures of beautiful places he went to and of course a lots of gifts too ;) hahha nah, i'm just joking. I will be very happy if mini could returned home save and sound :)

I'll miss you babe and I'm so very proud of you ;)

I said: "You're leaving on a jet plane, and you'll be back in two weeks. Oh babe, I hate to see you go..."

He said: "And now the time has come to leave you, one more time oh let me kiss you, close your eyes and I'll be on my way.."

Hehehe just in my thoughts, only in my mind ;p