Monday, December 18, 2006

Of speaking the truth, giving trust and being brave

Taken from a friend's blog. I love this post very much.

Why can't we be pure and crystalline?
Why so hard to channel what's inside and connect with each other?
If you think humans are not any different from one another, then jump of your towering pedestal.
Let yourself fall from the sky like a meteor. I will catch you in my palms like a floating petal.
Didn't you know that I had always made myself be there for you all this time?

Had you really spoken the truth? or has the truth always bled you blood that you must slash me
as well? The truth is not always simple. It's not always a want, a to do, a call for action, or a
definite plan for the future. It can be long, complicated,deliverate and abstract.
But didn't you know I had always allocated forever to listen to you?

Had you ever felt how cool and breezy trusting can be? it is precious and sacred to give, but the
only way of getting is by giving, there's no return if there's no investment. There's no free lunch,
but I can always be paid with the satisfaction of having your hunger eased, the satisfaction of having you contented. The satisfaction of just having you. Didn't you know that I had always trusted you that way?

If you ever was for me, you would've needed me. You would've understand that your simplicity left many things unspoken, only to be pondered silently in briddled emotions. You would've fallen from your sky because you know I would never let you break.

I came down from my starry sky and let myself fall into your palms only to have you drop me.
I spoke of my soul only to have you discouraged by it's depth.
I trusted you earnestly only to have you claim a search on my intentions.

Don't you know that I am braver than you will ever be?