Monday, December 04, 2006

Internet has brought a new way of meeting your soul mate ;)

Everyday, you were logged in to your IM, blogging, checking out emails, friendster, multiply and another online-making-friend’s site. You met new and old friends, communicate frequently; are there any chance of falling in love? It could be ;)

After reading this entry by mbak ninit, I’m more and more convinced that this Internet thingy has brought a new way of meeting your soul mate. I have some real story about this online love story actually.

An aunt of mine, who has been a widow for more than 25 years, spent 3 years living with my family before she found the love of her life. I knew she cried her tears out while praying every night, begging to God that God would send her a husband, a soul mate, a partner, someone to spend her rest of her life with. And when she finally met one, guess where she found him? From the Internet ;) Hehhe they met for the first time on Yahoo Chat, they chat frequently, send photographs, and than this guy –her future husband- send her ticket to Arizona, US, where he lives. At first, we were worried that this guy was a prankster, whose job was to fool any woman on the net, send them ticket, made them go to US and then forced to work as a prostitute, just like stories you read in the magazine. But my aunt convince us that she’s going to be fine, so we let her go, giving her a change to get to know him and his family better. She went to US for a month, got back, resigned from her job, stayed here for a month and then back to US to marry this guy. They have been married and lived happily for 5 years now.

The second story is the story of my best friend. She was registered at friendster, she make friends and met this guy. At first they were sending messages each other, the next step was they started to send text messages, phone, decided to meet and than they were in a relationship until now. The last time I met her, she said that they were planning to get married next year. How lovely…

So, the lovely story you heard from me right now, read from another blog, or seen in the movie such as You’ve got Mail, etc, really do exist. They’re not fairy tales; they do happen in the real life. And Allah works in a mysterious way. Your soul mate could be the one who’s sitting next to you right now, your childhood friend, your ongoing boyfriend/girlfriend, or someone you met on the Net! Remember, Allah gives you luck, fortune, gifts from the most unpredicted way ;)

* a friend said that I’m obsessed, I don’t see any reason not to be obsessed ;) hehehehehe just kidding...