Friday, December 29, 2006

Mourns over the death of the greatest Wizard

I finally finished reading the 6th books of Harry Potter. It took me 3 days to finally finish it. I am extremely sad of how the story in the 6th books end. I wasn’t expected a happy ending, that Harry would all be successful to all of what he was doing and he was always there right on time to save everybody in the Wizard’s community, but I wasn’t expected the saddest ending also. The end of the story was really beyond my imagination. I have to admit JK Rowling’s very good in turning the plot upside down so that no one will notice on how the story ends, or at least for me.

By the time I got nearly to the end of the story, I cried. My eyes were filled with tears as I reached to the point where the one, the greatest wizard was murdered, by his own colleagues, the one he trust the most, the one he defense amongst all others wizard that loath him, he even disbelieves in Harry’s story of how bad he was. And he was murdered right in front of Harry’s own eyes.

It left Harry with nothing. The only person that he loved and admired the most, the only one whom he could feel saved, warmth and being home was murdered. He has now faced his destiny of finding and kill Voldermost alone. And Hogwarts was in the mourning period, mourns over the death of the greatest wizard.