Tuesday, January 30, 2007

If I were in her shoes

About two weeks ago, a friend from junior high send me a message at YM, he said that one of our friend’s father was having a cancer surgery. It was a hard case, his gastric and spleen has to be removed because of the cancer. He said she needs as much prayer as she could get, for her father. I sent her a text message afterwards, hoping that her father would soon be ok. She replied, she needs a pray for her father.

Tonight, on my way from the office, my friend sent me a text message. He said that our friend’s father health was getting worse. Before the surgery, the doctor diagnoses all of the internal organs and said they were fine, except for the cancer. But after the surgery, the doctor said that her father suffer a diabetes, “coroner” heart-problem (jantung koroner) and lungs problem (paru-paru basah). There might be a complication. I was shocked. I sent her a text message and she replied “Please pray for my father. I need as much prayer as I could get for my father. And for my family, so that we could went through all of this.” I can’t help my tears from falling. I could feel her pain, her sorrow, her sadness.

I was then wondering if I were in her shoes. If it was my father who went ill *Oh please dear god, don’t let this thing happen to my parents*. What would it be? I might not be able to sleep, I might not be able to eat, I might not be able to life my live, I might not be able to face the day. I might want to give my world just for him; I know she wants to do the same for her father. I feel hopeless. I’m not a doctor. I have no knowledge about cancer. I have no power to do significant thing as the cure for her father. But I know, I could still pray for her father.

I always believe in prays. I believe it was one of the ways to communicate with Allah, one of the ways to tell our problems, hopes and plead. For those of you, who read this post, please pray for my friend’s father. She really needs it and one day, it might be our own father or mother. And that time, we might need as much support, help and prays as we could get.