Thursday, October 26, 2006

25 It is!

Alhamdulillah, I'm turning 25 on 26 October 2006. Some might say that age is just a bunch of number, but for me it wasn't. I've been having a wonderful life, there were ups and downs. I hope that I grew more mature as I reached 25.

I remembered when I was in high school, I pictured myself married at the age of 25, and although I haven't married yet, but I think it's OK. I mean, people can make plans in their life, but who knows Allah's plan over you. So I'm going to enjoy my life and make the best of it. Who knows I might turn 26 or not ;) Hehehhehee

I'm very happy today. I never thought that there were be so many friends that really remember my birthday, well they might see it on my friendster though but it was still a delightful feeling to know that some friends really remember :D Hueueuhehee

Oh and by the way, I would like to say:
Happy Iedul Fitri 1427 H
Minal Aidin Wal Faidzin

I hope that Allah still give us a chance to meet next Ramadhan. Amiin.. :)